Discover the resources your community already has to care for children and families, and what you still need on the path to more than enough

Foster care can feel like a puzzle. But providing more than enough is possible. 

Along the way, you’ll have to ask: Do we have all the pieces we need to put the puzzle together? 

What resources do we already have in our community? What are the problems we need to solve? Who is working in this space? How can we do more together? 

Discovering Your Community will help you answer those very questions. This five-week collaborative learning experience will guide you and a group of your local collaborators through a three-stage process of understanding the nine essential pieces for serving children and families in foster care, identifying the biggest strengths and gaps in foster care in your county, and determining the best next steps forward.

What You Can Expect

Collaborative Brainstorming

To kick off this project, you and your local collaborators will put your heads together during facilitated brainstorming times. We’ll think through the nine pieces every community needs to care for children and families, the current strengths and gaps in your county, and who the key players are in your community.

Community Conversations

During Weeks Two and Three, you’ll launch into your community with the tools to have conversations with key stakeholders in foster care about the strengths, gaps, and opportunities for collaboration in your county.

Strategic Next Steps

Lastly, we’ll guide you through the process of narrowing down all the information that you’ve gathered during this project into a clear path for addressing key gaps and strengthening collaborative action in your county. You’ll work together to develop a project plan with clear next steps for your community to begin embarking on together.

Course Details


April 7 - May 9, 2025

Enrollment closes on March 28 to begin pre-work


*per participant

$99 (non-CAFO members)

$89 (CAFO Members)

CAFO Members: use code provided at membership for discount

When you register, you can get a 10% off promo code for a friend outside your organization to join you!

Who Should Participate?

The Discovering Your Community process requires:

4-10 foster care organization or church ministry leaders that are actively serving the same US county

Who are willing to collaborate and are looking for opportunities to more effectively care for children and families before, during, and beyond foster care

Hybrid Course Format

This course will function in a hybrid format, with a mix of pre-recorded sessions, offline assignments, and live check-ins with your course facilitators.
*Your group will still need to select a time to gather together (via Zoom or in-person) for each of the pre-recorded sessions and collaborative work.

Scheduled session time required for each week:

Week 1 - Session 1 (1.5 hours), Session 2 (1.5 hours), Check-in (30 min.)

Weeks 2-4 - 2 Check-ins (30 min. each)

Week 5 - Session 3 (1.5 hours), Session 4 (1.5 hours), Check-in (45 min.)

Time Investment

Plan to invest approximately six hours per week on session or check-in attendance, community meetings, and completing assigned responsibilities.

Reminder: Enrollment closes on March 28!

Enroll in Discovering Your Community

Meet Your Course Guides

Jason Weber

National Director, More than Enough

Rachel Jackson

Data Analyst, More than Enough