Why a Pitch?

We've all been there.

You feel like you're good to go sharing about what you do and your passion for kids and families. After all, you spend every day thinking about it.

But then you have a specific opportunity to invite others to get involved. You feel a bit overwhelmed when you sit down to figure out exactly what you're going to sayand how to say it briefly. How can I sum up what we do in just a few short minutes? How can I share my own passion in a way that resonates with others and builds bridges in my community?

Or after you share, you feel like you didn't quite land the plane. Your audience doesn't seem any closer to getting engaged. How can I invite people to act, not just listen to what I have to say?

And then you think about the time you invest over and over for these opportunities. How can I avoid reinventing the wheel every time? And surely there is a better and faster way to handle slides!

Being able to make your "pitch" is the essential starting point for effectively communicating with your audience.

From messaging to visuals to navigating the sensitivities of foster care, in this course we'll learn the essential skills and build the foundational pieces of a compelling six-minute pitch. A pitch you can use as a starting point for everything from donor coffees to church engagements to partner meetings.

You have what it takes. Let's get started.

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